national survey on drug use and health

What Effects Does Cocaine Have on the Body?

Question by : What effects does cocaine have on the body?
I have always wondered about it. I have read somewhere that it enhances your personality. How does it enhance your personality? Also what if your an asshole?

Best answer:

Answer by daisythecow
Short-term cocaine effects include:
Increased… Continue reading

Sucrose and Fructose – More Addictive Than Cocaine

Sucrose and Fructose – more addictive than cocaine — Presented by Professor Ian Macdonald, the University of Nottingham, at the Food Addiction Symposium 7 October 2013.

Police to take old drugs
According to the 2012 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, twice as many Americans—around 6.8 million—currently abuse prescription… Continue reading

Why Is Cocaine So Addictive?

Question by Stryker: Why is cocaine so addictive?
I’m not a crackhead or anything like that, but I have done my share of illegal drugs. The most addictive drug I have ever experienced was cocaine (snorting it).

What makes this drug so addictive?

BTW: I’ve never smoked crack… Continue reading

Hills Police Partner With DEA in Prescription Take Back Day April 26

Hills police partner with DEA in prescription take back day April 26
The National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) estimates that there are over six million non-medical users of prescription drugs in the United States. The survey shows that more Americans abuse prescription drugs than the number of… Continue reading

Coalition, Law Enforcement Target County's 'Most Dangerous Drug Dealer'

Coalition, law enforcement target county's 'most dangerous drug dealer'
According to the recently published National Survey on Drug Use and Health, cocaine and methamphetamines use among young adults has dropped significantly, while abuse of prescription drugs has risen. According to Jeremy Leach, RP.h., Pharmacist and …
Read more on Daily Journal… Continue reading

A Stillborn Child, a Charge of Murder, and the Disputed Case Law on 'Fetal Harm'

A Stillborn Child, a Charge of Murder, and the Disputed Case Law on 'Fetal Harm'
A New Jersey woman who refused to sign a pre-authorization for a cesarean section didn't end up needing the operation, yet was charged with child endangerment and lost custody of her baby. Prosecutors argue that… Continue reading

What Are the Negative Physical Effects of Cocaine in Long Term Users?

Question by burtongrl: What are the negative physical effects of cocaine in long term users?

Best answer:

Answer by vikingfromvallhalla
The cartilage in the back of your nose disintegrates and you constantly have mucous dripping down the back of your nasal passage way into your throat. Then of course there’s… Continue reading

I Really Want to Know the True Effects of E, Ecstasy, Thizz, Peezys, Etc?

Question by Scott P: I really want to know the true effects of e, ecstasy, thizz, peezys, etc?
seriously i have heard so many different rumors about how it affects your body, brain, etc and i want to know the real truth not some stupid rumor so can… Continue reading

Chronicle Book Review: Meth Mania

Chronicle Book Review: Meth Mania
According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, the number of people using heroin on a regular is one-tenth of one percent of the population 12 and over. That number stayed stable from … Parsons identifies three distinct meth panics — the …… Continue reading

It's Not Time to End War on Drugs

It's not time to end war on drugs
The gateway drug is and always has been alcohol and even tobacco. I smoked … People who smoke and drink are something like twenty times more likely to use cocaine according to data from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health… Continue reading