Any Information on Adderall Abuse?

Question by Amb: Any information on adderall abuse?

Best answer:

Answer by Jimmy
It’s an amphetamine (like crystal meth / speed) just so you know…

“Tolerance, extreme psychological dependence, and severe social disability can occur when amphetamines are abused. The manufacturer warns against exceeding the prescribed dosage, injecting the drug, or insufflation of the drug. Prolonged high doses of amphetamines followed by an abrupt cessation can result in extreme fatigue and mental depression. Chronic abuse of amphetamines can manifest itself as psychosis, often indistinguishable from schizophrenia.”

“Adderall is a hybrid amphetamine composed of four different amphetamine salts which act on different time scales. As an amphetamine, it tends to have a classic amphetamine reaction in those people who do not have specific medical need for it. As dose increases, people are more likely experience a speedy effect, tend towards compulsive organization, will have difficulty sleeping, and at higher doses may experience jaw clenching and dehydration. Many people find the ‘speedy’ effect of drugs like adderall recreationally desirable, sometimes as a way to stay up, to allow for more energy, or to get caught up on work or cleaning that they have been procrastinating for some period of time.”

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