Babies Born Addicted to Drugs ?

Question by Anastasia Eagle: Babies born addicted to drugs ?
I was watching TV and I saw a boy who was nine years old that was born addicted to cocaine . I was wondering how long the withdrawal symptoms for babies born addicted to cocaine and other drugs generally lasted . Also, what are behavioral habits or just things that they usually do ? Any other interesting information about kids and babies addicted to drugs at birth would be nice . Thank you .

Best answer:

Answer by Lux
I dont know about additional information but I think it may be one of the saddest things i’ve ever heard. What has the world come to that now we have babies born addicted to meth, and 7 yr olds hooked on cocaine?

Answer by Sarah
babies born addicted to drugs and born to mothers who have done those drugs throughout their pregnancy. the symptoms vary from kid to kid. some show signs similar to fetal alcohal syndrome while others can develop other mental disorders or delays. very sad considering it is entirely preventable

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