Brain Injury and Substance Abuse: The Cross Training Advantage


Brain Injury and Substance Abuse: The Cross Training Advantage – Learn why brain injury and addiction together can make recovery so much harder — and what strategies are most successful.


Autopsy Reveals Cause of Lawmaker's Death

Filed under: cocaine and alcohol addiction

… stomach contents samples (and trace amounts in white wine) included ethanol (alcohol), cocaine (and its metabolites/breakdown products), morphine (and its metabolites/breakdown products), codeine, chloroquine, cocaethlene and dextromethorphan.


Sugar as addictive as cocaine, nicotine

Filed under: cocaine and alcohol addiction

A study on rats, which love sugar just as much as people, found that sugar was as addictive as cocaine, nicotine and alcohol. For many people, the appetite for high-calorie items appears to be insatiable. But does this qualify as addiction? An article …
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