Can Dried Blood Be Removed From Under a Mashed Fingernail?

Question by cgfenenga: can dried blood be removed from under a mashed fingernail?
finally did it. for all the mashed fingers of my childhood, this adult one is the first one with a hematoma. I’ve left it pretty much alone for the month that I’ve had it, but I’ve noticed less growth to the nail than on my other fingers, the “moon” is a milky white over the hematoma, the hematoma dried quickly and isn’t bothering me beyond feeling a bit like I cut my fingernail too short, and 85% of the nail bed, maybe 90%, is covered with this dried hematoma scab, the center of which has separated from the nail (there’s a sort of air pocket between the dried hematoma and the scab). it doesn’t hurt (I’m typing normally with it), but it’s just sitting there, not really growing, not crumbling and falling out (it sqeejed out from under the nail, so I have a dried blood blob underneath the regular dead part of my nail which can be wiggled but won’t come loose), not squeezing itself out with daily use and moderate “abuse” (accidentally banging it on a door frame, etc., which I do much less often since smashing it!) and I’ve been tempted to clean it out with hydrogen peroxide but feel that might leave it open to infection. oh, and the nail is not cracked. it’s solid…and the bruising went down into the first nuckle area, but deeply, only visable on close inspection. the bone was not broken. all swelling and pain are gone, but I’m tired of having it, so I wonder, would it be safe to clean it out with hydrogen peroxide-no way I’m letting anyone drill into it-first, it’s totally dried, second, the thought alone nauseates me.
I realise there was a post about this 4 yeard ago on Yahoo answers, but it didn’t answer my question.
thank you for any helpful input.

Best answer:

Answer by Sheltie Lover

I’ve never done that to my fingernail, but had an accident once that did it to my toenail.

Sad to tell you, it is best to just leave it alone and let “Mother Nature” take care of it.

Your fingernail will fall off. — Leave it alone until then. — After the nail comes off, you can clean up what’s underneath.

Be patient.


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