Cocaine Isn’t Addictive to Everyone?

Question by Nate T: Cocaine isn’t addictive to everyone?
Right now I am comming off of Cocaine. I have done it on average of twice a year in the last 6 years I am 24. I have never felt addicted to the drug. I usually dont really want to do it and between each line I don’t really crave for more. I read how addictive it is and study the people in my surroundings. Tonight I did it to kick off a one last time in changing my life and who I associate with. I didn’t want to really because I am on Lexopro for my anxiety and I was afraid the heart rate increace would give me anxiety. It didn’t really. Between lines I watched people crave and jones for more, I didn’t. I never really have. I read how it changes your mind to be ever so addicted to it where even the thought changed the blood flow in your mind. How is it that this powerful drug changes all these peoples minds but doesnt affect mine at all? I dont see myself doing it again, I dont have a craving and never have. It is sad so many people get lost on these drugs.

Best answer:

Answer by mikedrazenhero
i think you went into this being careful and all, this means you’re a safe person, and does not have addictive personality, you can problly quit anything you want at the drop of a hat, you have good programablity of your brain, most people dont, for other people they just wannna get high and so er they don’t really think ahead and what not, either that or you didn’t snort enough.

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