Crack Cocaine: Open Question: Does Anyone Know of a Specific Example of This Case?

Open Question: Does anyone know of a specific example of this case?

Filed under: Crack Cocaine

Does anyone know of a specific example of this case?

In one area, a crime receives a receives a sentence of 10-15 years and a different crime’s recommended sentence falls between 2-5 years, however in a different area, the punishment for the 2 crimes mentioned previously are the same. (#s are just for example)

So for example one area, possession of cocaine and crack cocaine have different punishments (let’s say 5 for cocaine and 10 for crack cocaine) but possibly in another area possession of either has about the same punishment (7-8 for either).

I am looking for 2 different crimes and 2 different areas.
I know different states and areas have different punishments but I’m looking for a very specific example if anyone can bring one up.



Resolved Question: Is it normal for bipolar patients to crave the state of mania?

Filed under: Crack Cocaine

Hi. I am a type 2 Bipolar disorder sufferer, and somewhat educated in the area of Psychology (earned a minor). Being a type 2, I tend to have many depressed episodes and have only had one hypo-manic episode naturally lasting 3-4 days (I also have had 2 separate manic episodes when placed on SSRIs for depression). I’ve never been medicated for actual bipolar disorder, only depression (resulting in manic episodes as I’ve already stated). Is it common for a bipolar patient to literally crave having a manic episode? I have literally contemplated lying to a doctor to score SSRIs just to feel that “high” of having a manic episode (I’m a nursing student w/ close ties to many doctors in my town due to my previous job & know of at least 2 doctors that would easily dispense the meds for me). This in itself freaks me out! I’ve also had strong desires to get high by use of cocaine or crack for that same manic feeling, but have never done so, due to being tested at work, it being highly addictive, costly and illegal. I’m simply wondering if these feelings are typical in bipolar patients, and if they ever go away, or is it kinda like a junkie chasing after that first high?



Open Question: When Ronald Reagan approved the CIA’s plan to introduce crack cocaine into America…?

Filed under: Crack Cocaine

…was it exclusively to fund the Contras or did Reagan do it to also continue the COINTELPRO policy of deliberately undermining black communities with drug epidemics (i.e., like the FBI did during the Nixon era by flooding the ghettos with heroin and cocaine they bought off the Mafia) as a way of preventing blacks from organizing as they had during the days of the Civil Rights Movement and the Black Power Movement?
@The Commie Basher and Joe in texas: You’re both either extremely naive or extremely dishonest. It is a documented historical fact that the CIA bought crack off of the Contras and introduced it into California. You are both typical conservatives who let the vagaries of your poorly-controlled emotions rather than objective, level-headed reasoning determine your beliefs. You are destroying America by being that way.



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