Difference Between Speed and Gas? (The Drug)?

Question by : Difference between speed and gas? (the drug)?
What is the difference between speed and gas?

Best answer:

Answer by Laredo
“Speed” is an amphetamine or a psycho-stimulant drug that produces increased wakefulness, restlessness, hallucinations, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure and symptoms similar to cocaine.

“Gas” is Nitrous-Oxide (N20) commonly called “laughing gas or happy gas.” It is a sweet tasting gas, used as an anesthetic in dentistry and surgery. It induces a state of analgesia, confusion, and behavioral dis-inhibition. It is also used as gas for high speed cars and some race cars.

Neither speed or gas are safe and should not be used as a recreational drug.

P.S. I read some of your other questions and you have asked about bongs and other drug related questions. It seems that at, 17 years old, you are trying your damndest to become a junkie. DON’T DO IT!

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