Does This Sound Like a Possible Cocaine Addiction?

Question by michimama: Does this sound like a possible cocaine addiction?
My sister is 27 and has tried almost every drug I can think of–everything from LSD to coke. She did coke once in my presence almost 2 years ago and I tried to discourage her from doing it. She told my boyfriend how much she wanted to do it again sometime. When I confronted her again later on, she claimed that she only did it a couple more times. Recently she moved to Chicago, where she occasionally hangs out with known cokeheads. She makes more money that I do, doesn’t pay rent, lately she keeps bouncing checks at least a few times a month and never has any money. She is far too old to do still bounce her account. She has also been more distant than usual and barely calls me and my family anymore. She claims she as a job, but I feel like she might not and has been very secretive and eccentric, like she doesn’t even know what’s going on. Now my parents think she’s a cocaine addict. What are warning signs? What should I do?

Best answer:

Answer by Bangarang
Wow. That is really intense. And it does sound like your sister is in trouble, and if my sister was getting into that sort of stuff, I’d be on the next plane to Chicago and I would intervene. Force her to sort her life out. TOUGH LOVE!

Answer by ShamWOW!!!! (btw I’m a girl)
She sure sounds like it.

You are witnessing the signs….

but she’s old enough to ruin her own life… sometimes it takes hitting rock bottom before she will wise up.

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