Fighting Cocaine Addiction: Staying Busy Will Give You Great Ammunition to Fight Cocaine Addiction Relapse

When you are coming off a cocaine addiction it is imperative to stay busy. When you stop doing anything, the brain will start to wind down and will think it is feeling low and tempt you to use again. The brain works on stimulation, when you were continually on the cocaine high, the brain thinks high is its normal state. When you stop, then it thinks that it needs more stimulant to feel normal, the brain has deceived itself.

By finding a new activity or new hobby to become engrossed in, thus occupying your time will help to not have idle time to dwell on your old habits. Use this time to broaden your mind and your future. This would be a good time to think about furthering your education or looking for that new occupation you always wanted to do.

A new hobby gives your brain stimulation which helps with brain function and also helps with lowering the desire for the cocaine again. For many a new hobby is something they have always wanted to do and had never took the time to pursue. Now is the time to take that time and go for it. Staying busy with a new hobby only makes for positive direction.

A new activity or sport is also a great way to stay busy. The physical activity is a great motivator for the brain, and will help you recover the brain cells lost through the addiction. Physical activity is a great way to fight depression when it attacks you in the recovery process. By staying active your body will strengthen physically and mentally.

Many find that the recovery time and needing to stay busy is also a good time to broaden your cultural and spiritual ideals. It is a great time to get into cultural activities you used to dream about. It is also the time to gain spiritually, it is a great time to get things right with those you have hurt through the addiction lifestyle.

Often many have been hurt emotionally through the negative outlook on life as we deteriorated through the addiction. Now is the time to work on reconciling those hurt feelings we have caused and try to mend whatever hurt we can. This should be done with caution, only after we gain confidence and fortitude and prove that we will not relapse, can we start this process. The best start is to prove that you are serious and determined to stay clean. Those you have hurt will not listen or pay any attention to you until you have proven stability.

Staying busy and getting help to stay on track with your goals is imperative to combating against a cocaine relapse.

If you want to learn more about cocaine relief, download my free ebook “Cocaine Relief – First Step” here: Free eBook

Jim has overcome addictions and sees it from the users point of view, find out more at:

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