How Can I Help My Friend to Stop Snorting Cocaine?

Question by Becki Piper: How can i help my friend to stop snorting cocaine?
Ok so i have this really good friend of mine and he’s trying to quit snorting cocaine. He really wants to quit, and its really hard for him, i wanna do all i can to help him. What can i do?? =(

Best answer:

Answer by Maureen
Hi I am a Holistic Health Practitioner. I am sorry that your friend is struggling. I had a best friend that snorted so much coke she burned a large hole in her inner space between the nostrils. You could use a flashlight to look in and see right through her nostrils. I tried to “help” her stop, even during her pregnancy I could not convince her to recognize the potential danger to her daughter. The baby was born addicted.
I digress. You can help him by showing him the research that you will find on the internet health sites to educate him in a more graphic way. Lead him to a substance abuse counselor. Just having a chat will help him recognize the road he is on. Lead him away from his community of users. ( are you one of them?) Help him remove all paraphenalia from his home, all the mirrors, straws, scales (if he is cutting it and selling it) (alot of addicts do that to support their habit.) especially the old bindles that he will eventually lick. Ignite his passion for exercise, teach him to eat right, give him support but do not give him support if he fails repeatedly, because there comes a time when he will push all those away that do not tolerate his failings one more time. Prayer is powerful, use it now and if you can not watch him fall anymore.
I understand your loyalty and desire to “save him” but in the end he can only save himself for himself. He will appreciate and use your help, but unless his will ( and new learned knowledge) is strong enough to let it go. he will continue to fail.
I had to give it up too. It was destroying my mind, my body, and my ability to be “present” with my children. The deal is you can not hold his hand forever, he has to want to help himself. Give him the information but at the same time it would behoove you to attend a few alanon meetings for people who live with a user and want to help without destroying their own life. You can learn how to help and learn how far you can go to help and when to let go of his hand. How long has he been using? Maybe he needs rehab for a few months to get his head right.
I do not know the ages of you and your friend, but the younger you are the potential for long term damage to the brain and nervous system is prevalent. I hope I have helped you. Good Luck, In Spirit, Maureen

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