I Think My Friend Is Abusing Drugs?

Question by lilbit: I think my friend is abusing drugs?
I think my friend is abusing cocaine, but not too sure, she is acting very hyperactive. how can I tell what symptoms do the users show? is it addicting, how does it make a person feel?

Best answer:

Answer by Tobias
Look for physical evidence- a mirror, razor blade, a straw or cut off pen, a very clogged/stuffy & runny nose, redness around the nostrils, sores inside the nose (if you can get that close!). Users tend to be very hyperactive and Cocaine especially, it wears off in about 20-30 minutes so they make a lot of “trips to the bathroom” throughout the day/night….they stay up till very late hours or never go to bed at all. If they can’t get their fix they get VERY cranky and fidget a lot…they tend to be cranky before “going to the bathroom” and fine when they return. Also, their eyes (pupils) will get huge & they’re sensitive to bright lights…they also grind their teeth & shake their legs a lot.

Cocaine is a stimulant so it gives a rush of euphoria that is very short lived…it is not physically addictive per se, but it is VERY much addictive psychologically (some disagree with that last statement).

At any rate, if you ask, she will most likely deny use- so you’ll probably have to find evidence of use.

Hope all goes well & have a blessed evening :-)

Answer by agsf a
check their pupils, and their nose would be runny or red.
theyd probably use it every half hour or so..very hyperactive.
thats just my experience w/ friends using

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