Is My Boyfriend Stressed or Using Cocaine?

Question by SoCALBaby28: Is my boyfriend stressed or using cocaine?
He never seems to eat anymore, left arm and legs are always shaking, he’s pale and losing some weight. I woke up at 3 am to find him pacing back and forth in front of the bed. More odd behavior…he is constantly taking showers and looking out the windows because he is convinced someone wants to break into the house, and he now keeps guns in a safe he had built under the floor. So basically I’m trying to figure out if this is a reaction to stress from his job (lawyer) or if he is secretly using coke. Help please?

Best answer:

Answer by Doug
go to a local drug store and look for drug tests that you wipe the test swab on something like his keyboard or keys or *nose* ;) sorry trying to lighten the situation.

Anyways if he doing coke you would be able to know by his heart rate. it will stay at a high rate for hours. he should be very restless. You don’t look very … filled out yourself. You need to get the both of you back on track to success and ditch the stupid habits whatever they may be.

Answer by Mike G
I would guess coccaine or meth..

If he has a runny nose alot could be coke.
Meth messes your teeth up
Crack you get acne bad on you face
He may just be going crazy..

Either way he needs help.

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