Recovering Cocaine Addicts: Do We Learn From Our Addiction Mistakes?

There is an old thought that eludes to the concept that we learn the most from the mistakes which cost us the most. Usually most people perceive this as monetary cost, however many of us take it also as emotional costs. Not only will addiction take monetary tolls on our lifestyle, it will take a greater toll on our emotions. Any kind of addiction has a great chance of ruining our emotions if we let it.

Whether we learn from the addiction and stay away from temptations which could lead us into the addiction again, is the question. The addiction we have gotten away from should keep us on guard for any temptation which would lead us into a similar addiction. The recovering cocaine addict who has lost many of their family and friends in the process, should be on guard against the temptation to crawl back into the hole of drugs again.

Those who have learned from their addiction mistakes often become great leaders and pillars because they realize their power to overcome anything which can come against them. They have learned that crawling into the hole of addiction will not make life’s problems go away. They have learned that they can face those problems and temptations, go on with life and let negative circumstances bounce off of them.

We can either learn from emotional mistakes caused by our addictions, or let those mistakes rule our emotions for the rest of our lives. You will never forget those mistakes, but you will be able to use those mistakes as guidelines to define your boundaries which safeguard you from making those mistakes again. All through life we have to set boundaries to what activities we can, or can not, participate in.

Often an addiction, and the recovery process, will heighten our realization that boundaries we set for ourselves can actually be a good thing. A recovering addict will never get clean and stay clean if they do not set rigid boundaries for themselves. The need for guidance, for any addiction recovery, is well worth whatever time and money is involved. A different set of eyes and thoughts will be a valuable asset to getting away from an addiction. The addict is often so deeply involved that they are unable to see the necessary steps to avoid temptation and also are usually not vigil enough to learn from those mistakes by themselves.

Are your addictions still controlling your life? Or have you learned from those addiction mistakes and used them as building tools to enrich your life?

If you want to learn about relief from cocaine addiction, download my free ebook “Cocaine Relief – First Step” here: Free eBook

Jim has overcome addictions and sees it from the users point of view, find out more at:

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