Sign of Cocaine Use: Cocaine Treatment and Signs of Cocaine Use

If you or someone you love is struggling with a cocaine addiction, then the best course of action is generally going to be getting them into treatment. This is most likely going to be a drug rehab of some sort, probably an inpatient rehab center. This is really one of the best options because it insures that the person will at least stay clean and sober while they are in rehab, because it is a controlled environment and they are generally searched before they can enter.

Now if you are trying to figure out if someone you know is using cocaine on a regular basis, then there are some signs you can watch out for that might cause you to think this. Keep in mind that these types of behaviors could also indicate abuse of other drugs as well, not necessarily just cocaine. One sign is that they are not sleeping or eating much, and they are staying up for all or most of the night.

They will probably be losing quite a bit of weight and will drop at least a couple of sizes in their overall figure. They might be irritable and cranky at times and then elated and super happy at other times. And of course they might be gone at strange hours, keeping different company all of a sudden, and hanging out in new and strange places that they normally would not be in.

If this is the case then you can always try to confront the person and encourage them to get help at a rehab center.

Learn more about cocaine treatment [] and also about signs of cocaine use [].

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