Socially Acceptable Drug Abuse?

Question by ShaunAverett: Socially Acceptable Drug Abuse?
Why is it that, generally speaking, popping pills such as benzos, ambien, percocet, vicodin, and so on seems to be much more of a socially acceptable drug abuse compared to cocaine, heroin, crack, and other hard drugs?

All substances can be very dangerous to you, and can ruin your life. Yet, people in general tend to accept pill popping and dismiss it as an abuse, while they have no tolerance towards people crushing a pill and shooting it up. Where lies the logic in this reasoning?

Best answer:

Answer by Manda

People look at the substances and stereotype them the way they stereotype those that abuse the substances. For example, as advertised in the media, cocaine and pill popping are expensive forms of abuse and we see mostly richer people using those drugs. Heroin, crack and the like have a worse rap because they’re cheaper and people stereotypically think of “trashier” people using them.

Do I agree with how people stereotype others? No. Does it happen? Absolutely.

Answer by Elizabeth
Ignorance, I assume. They probably think because doctors prescribe many of these to medicate illness, it’s okay if they take a few when they don’t need it. They probably look down on crushing it up because that’s not the way it’s intended to be taken.

Simply, it’s prescribed v. not prescribed. the whole thought is, “If a doctor can prescribe these to make people better, it must not be so bad”.

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