central nervous system

What Alternative ADD Meds Are Recommended?

Question by Ethan R: What alternative ADD meds are recommended?
I’m 15 and Ive Been taking FocalinXR daily for about three months as an alternative to Ritalin, but it’s simply too weak. Even after raising the dose to 20mg it just doesn’t cut it. I don’t want to go… Continue reading

How Does Cocaine Effects the Different Parts of the Brain?

Question by pingping: how does cocaine effects the different parts of the brain?
what is dopamine? how does cocaine effects the different parts of the brain?

Best answer:

Answer by amie r
The most extensively studied effect of cocaine on the central nervous system is the blockage of the… Continue reading

Drugs How Many Kinds Are There?

Question by emm99: drugs how many kinds are there?
How many different kinds of drugs are there?

Best answer:

Answer by Je t’aime
?Common Drug Types
There are many different types of drugs you should be aware of. Some are prescribed, others are known as club drugs, illicit or… Continue reading

Drugs to Help PTSD?

Question by IzZy F: Drugs to help PTSD?
7 monthes ago i overdosed on cocaine. ever since then ive been terrified of going in public and have shunned my friends. Im not one to be overdramatic, never thought it could happen but…i hear voices from time to time. I… Continue reading

What Are Some Examples of Psychotropic Drugs (Particularly Those That Result in Dangerous Behavior)?

Question by spammernaut2: What are some examples of psychotropic drugs (particularly those that result in dangerous behavior)?
Psychotropic drugs alter one’s mental, mood, and / or behavioral state of mind and can result in severe and often bizarre and / or dangerous outward behavior, particularly with regard to social… Continue reading

Cocaine Use in the United States: About Cocaine

The lore of cocaine is long and storied. In the late nineteenth century it was used for medicinal purposes – as a stimulant of the central nervous system, people took products laced with cocaine to aid headaches, boost energy, and suppress the appetite. Doctors and dentists used cocaine as a… Continue reading

Long Term Effects of Cocaine Use: Effects of a Cocaine Addiction

Cocaine addiction is a serious problem that can cause short term and long term adverse, even irreversible effects on the body. The powerfully addictive stimulant affects the entire body, from the brain, the heart, lungs, and the entire central nervous system. Whether it’s snorted in powder form or smoked in… Continue reading

Cocaine Addiction Treatments: Cocaine Addiction Treatment – on the Spotlight

Leaves of coca plants are utilized to produce the drug Cocaine, a substance which stimulates the central nervous system and suppresses ones appetite. Due to countless cases of addiction and dependence of individuals on the drug, many countries have prohibited and banned the possession, cultivation, and distribution of the drug.… Continue reading

Crack Abuse: Know About the Dangerous Effects of Crack Cocaine on Unborn Fetus

Cocaine is regarded as one of the most dangerous illicit drugs of abuse throughout the world. According to NSDUH (National Survey on drug Use and Health) 2009, there were about 1.6 million Cocaine users in America. ‘Crack’ Cocaine is more potent and powerful form of Cocaine. It increases the effects… Continue reading

Cake!(A Story of Cocaine Abuse)


cake!(a story of cocaine abuse) – We had to do a PSA (Public Service Announcement) for health about drug abuse so here it is!! Enjoy!!!


The Use of Cocaine in Party Culture

Filed under: cocaine abuse

According to Stephanie Older of the… Continue reading