What Are the Symptoms of Smoking Weed?

Question by Selena: What are the symptoms of smoking weed?
I think my boyfriend is smoking weed..he doesn’t eat alot anymore. Sometimes when we text he acts alittle different. He’s told me before that he used to do crack and other stuff…I’m just scared and I need to find out! Sometimes he looks like he’s high be he passes it off and says “I’m just tired” so can anyone please tell me the symptoms of weed?

Best answer:

Answer by Jimmy
Weed makes you hungrier… so nope! Its probably meth or heroine. So you dodged the bullet on the weed!

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Review: `Central Park Five' sets record straight

Filed under: crack cocaine use symptoms

It efficiently depicts, but doesn't get caught up in, the hysteria of the place and time: a racially and socioeconomically divided New York City in April 1989, when it was rotting with crack cocaine, AIDS and violent crime but also gleaming with the …
Read more on Huffington Post


Review: 'Central Park Five' sets record straight

Filed under: crack cocaine use symptoms

It efficiently depicts, but doesn't get caught up in, the hysteria of the place and time: a racially and socioeconomically divided New York City in April 1989, when it was rotting with crack cocaine, AIDS and violent crime but also gleaming with the …
Read more on The Associated Press


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