Why Do People Try to Make Marijuana Out to Be This Horrible Drug?

Question by : Why do people try to make marijuana out to be this horrible drug?
Ok if marijuana is so horrible and so dangerous then why hasn’t anyone o.ded on it yet ill tell you why BECAUSE YOU CANT. Marijuana isn’t something that people will give a bj to a dealer for a pinch its non addictive and it has been proven to not even hurt you unlike cigarettes, Alcohol is legal but yet Scientific studies have proven that alcohol retards the brain.What gets me is that stupid D.A.R.E program and that above the influence B.S will sit there and contently preach about how marijuana is ruing Society and categorize people who smoke as Lazy,Useless,and drug addicts when instead of focusing on drugs like Heroin,Crack/Cocaine,Oxycontin,meth,ect. drugs that will kill people and that have made people o.d in the past and everyday or go on a killing spree while hopped up on them.People that have been stabbed to death will a spoon is higher up on the kill chart then marijuana and you know why because pot has never killed one person and the only people that has ever seemed to have with draws or been “addicted” to marijuana is people who over react and want attention so they smoke a duby and there hooked,the way they make them adds about marijuana is so stupid to like they don’t even try who really acts that retarded? Ive smoked weed now for 8 years and i will continue to because it helps my bi polor and keeps me in a stable mood to where my manic isn’t bouncing off the walls but im not eligible for the medical marijuana program because the fact that it is a metal illness and it only is for pain at the moment in the state of michigan.I was on helderal and i ended up flipping out and trying to stab my best friend and didn’t even remember plus i gained 78 pounds in 2 months from the shots they were giving me them drugs are not long tested and you don’t know what the effects are in a 10 year span but there legal.The worst crime someone would commit while high on marijuana is stealing a bag of doritos if that so tell me Why do people try to make marijuana out to be this horrible drug

Best answer:

Answer by Bluegreen
Well in a way it is like alcohol as with time of using it will slow down your brain functions, kill cells, have some seriouse side effects. If you become a long time user you will have poor physcichal conditions, posibilty of lung cancer, and breathing problems. It can be a gateway drug also and get you into some seriouse hard core drugs when the highs arent enoug for you anymore. If you are taking it for bi-polar it can actually lead to some seriouse stuff even if it is coming you down right down it can lead to a bad hypo manic state or a seriouse anxiety attack where you feel like your dying. It can be beneficial also espicially when used for medical purposes. However I think you should try a different medicine even though you had a bad experienc eon the last. If you were smoking marijuana on the medicine that could have been the whole problem all along afterall using medicine like that and drugs makes the medicine have horrible side effects. You should try to seek the help you deserve for your disorder. The help is there when your willing to get it. Try getting a counselor first and just finding the root of all your problems so you can become a better person. They’ll teach you a good lifestyle and techniques when it comes to bipolar. There are also support groups out there where you can meet people like you and meet some friends that get what its like to go through. Eventually you might want to try finding a medicine that works for you and stop taking weed. Its alla bout to whatever you want for yourself

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