What I Should to Help Me Please the Withdrawn of Roxicet?

Question by JULIE G: What I should to help me please the withdrawn of Roxicet?

Best answer:

Answer by glen f
What do should withdrawn help. First,with begin start taking don’t.

Answer by Holly
www.drugabusehelp.com/boards/thd1x15881.shtml MAYBE THESE WILL HELP ,BUT PLEASE WING DOWN !!!
my husband has been a addict to cocaine and tabs and he is in rehab now .but please there are alot of risk factors stoping cold turkey ,you can go into what is called a crisus center and if a free will ,so they can help and watch you ,they have doctors to give you things to help withdrawls ,my husband had flu symptoms real bad ,shaking uncontrollable,pain all over ,hullincations .you name it .God Bless be safe ok .proud you want to stop

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